SG Puckett's FR Verucca
BirthDate: 2/7/2006
Gender: Doe
S:   SG Tempo Aquilla Free Reign +*B
     SS:  ++*B SG Serendipity's Topper
     SD:  GCH Tempo Aquilla Caffeine Free 2*M
D:  SG Puckett''s DK Veronica
     DS:  +*B Snickerdoodle's Dukes Kiowa
     DD:  Puckett's Virginia
age 2-2 LA FS 88 VEEV

She scored E in front legs, back, and rump and had some of our higher scores in rump angle and rear udder height and arch.

1-2 229 1661 49 49 ME 3228

Verucca was a wonderful milker. Her dam is a breed leader in milk production. She was sold to a dairy because her sister was just a tad better than her and I am keeping two of her daughters.
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