Puckett's J Balisto
BirthDate: 4/14/2015
Gender: Buck
S:  Puckett's FP Jerimiah *B
     SS:  Tempo Aquila Freeport +*B
     SD:  GCH Puckett's TT Sister Jessieta 1*M
D:  SGCH Puckett's FR Snickers 4*M
     DS:   SG Tempo Aquilla Free Reign +*B
     DD:  GCH Puckett''s R Toffee 3*M
For Sale  
Price $500

Triplets born, two bucks and a doe. One buck and a doe will be retained. One buck is for sale.
Lots of Tempo in this pedigree, as Jessieta goes back to Tempo on both sides. Snickers is a fourth generation Permanent GCH.
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