GCH Tempo Aquilla Caffeine Free 2*M
BirthDate: 4/3/1999
Gender: Doe
S:  CH *B Le Chevrier Happi Jester
D:  1*M Tempo Aquilla Free Gratis
LA 1-3 FS 87 (VEEV)
2-4 FS 88 (VVVV)
3-4 FS 90 (EVEE)
4-4 FS 90 (EEEE)
5-5 FS 90 (VEEE)

2-00 299 2439 93 80
3-00 305 2839 111 92
3-11 263 2354 89 77
4-11 222 2535 95 77 in progress

"Fiend is a tall and stylish doe. She is very uphill, and correct in front end, making her very impressive while on the move. She has an especially wide, smooth and high rear udder, a smothly blended foreudder, and beautiful udder texture. Fiend also excells in milk quality."

2000 3x1st, 1x2nd, 1xRSGCH, !st milking yearling at both Oregon & Western WA State Fairs
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