Puckett's CC Almond Joy
BirthDate: 6/5/2013
Gender: Doe
S:  GCH Puckett's V Chocolate Chip *B
     SS:  Puckett's RR Virgle *B
     SD:  Puckett's N Peanut Butter 2*M
D:  Puckett's VVG Jelly's Joy 4*M
     DS:  Puckett's GN Vincent Van Goat
     DD:  Puckett's HT Jelly 3*M
For Sale  

age 1-11 LA V+++ 84

1-05 164 1005 milking 6-7# daily in progress

Broken Chamoisee. Very nicely attached udder. One of our smaller does. Very friendly and loves attention. She and Midnight would pare nicely as family milkers. Almond freshening in March and Midnight in June. Year around milk supply.
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