Puckett's A Matmasoile Velvet
BirthDate: 5/1/2016
Gender: Doe
S:  Puckett's J Amicelli *B
     SS:  Puckett's FP Jerimiah *B
     SD:  SGCH Puckett's FR Snickers 4*M
D:  Puckett's FP Velvet Queen 4*M
     DS:  Tempo Aquila Freeport +*B
     DD:  Puckett's RR Sassy Velvet 3*M
For Sale  
$350 now $250
LA age 2-2 EVVV FS 87

age 2-0 89 days 626# 3.7% fat 2.4% protein

Madame has freshened with a pretty doeling and a so so udder. Excellent in general appearance but udder places her on the sale list. Production potential good.
Has one normal teat and one large deformed treat. Large teat is fully functional can be milked by hand or machine. Doeling did not nurse it preferring the smaller teat.
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