B B Goats MBM Frier Tuck *B
BirthDate: 5/26/2018
Gender: Buck
S:  Montage Beaujolais Monseiur *B
     SS:  Nestor Acres WRJCC Beaujolais+*B
     SD:  SGCH Montage IRS Madeline5*M
D:  GCH Puckett's TT Sister Jessieta 1*M
     DS:  *B Puckett's Top Twix
     DD:  Puckett's Top Jessie
ALPHA s1 casein E/E

Our junior herd sire. This young fella got to run with the 2018 doelings. His dam is a permanent grand champion with an LA score of VVEE 90. His sires dam is superior genetics permanent grand champion. She had LA as a 4 year old of EEEE 92 and at 7 years old was still EEEE 91.
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