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Puckett's Chocolate Cookie 1*M |
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LA FS 90 (VEEE) at age 7
1-10 305 2413 87 74 ext 621 4814 181 147
3-08 305 2890 91 63
4-10 305 2395 77 69 ext 989 9285 349 267
7-08 289 3674 109 92
Pictured here at seven years of age she has retained her very good general appearance. In 2000 Cookie qualified as Breed Leader in Milk, ranking #2. In protein she randed #4.
In 2004 Cookie is #1 in milk and Protein and #2 in butterfat.
Cookie had a hard delivery in 2006, but produced a beautifull doe kid. Peanut Butter Cookie will be retained in the herd.
1999 Kansas State Fair Youh show Ch Grade
2000 Ks, State Fair Youth show RCh R. Grade
2003 Tonganoxie Purina Clasic Ch Grade
2004 Coffeyville Youth Show RCh Grade
2004 GCh Recorded Grade Ks. State Fair youth show
2004 1st in class aged doe Ks. State Fair open show