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SG Puckett''s FR Violet 2*M |
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Violet passed away in October of 2013.
2-3 LA EEVE FS 90
4-7 LA VEV+ FS 86
5-6 LA VEEV FS 89
6-6 LA EEEV FS 89
1-2 221 1884 66 52
2-1 296 2440 78 72
3-1 305 3122 95 87
ext 738 6802 241 206
5-2 289 2682 101 82
6-3 273 2546 086 077
7-1 230 2096 094 084
Violet is a large doe and very consistantly a high milk producer.
2008 Neb. State Fair 2nd in class
2011 Neb. State Fair 3rd in class
2011 Kansas State Fair 1st in class
2012 Kansas State Fair 1st and 1st udder in aged doe class.