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GCH Puckett's Sweetheart |
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Sweetheart passed away of old age on 4-22-2008. She was 14 years 2 mo. old.
LA FS 88 (+EEE) at 9 years of age
1-00 305 2320 65 58 ext 349 2470 70 63
2-01 285 2430 60 58
3-00 305 2585 76 54 ext 604 4204 129 107
4-11 305 2096 64 49 ext 353 2256 71 53
6-00 284 2146 62 50
6-11 305 1989 55 46 ext 664 3444 102 81
9-02 305 2077 63 48 ext 321 2122 65 50
10-02 305 1723 53 39 ext 543 2238 66 52
Pictured here at nine years of age, Sweetheart was the grand old lady of the herd. She became a permanent GCH at the age of two. She was Best in Show at the 1996 Kansas State Fair.