Puckett's CC Morning Star
BirthDate: 4/25/2013
Gender: Doe
S:  GCH Puckett's V Chocolate Chip *B
     SS:  Puckett's RR Virgle *B
     SD:  Puckett's N Peanut Butter 2*M
D:  Puckett's MNP Jet Star 4*M
     DS:  Puckett's R Mucho Nacho Pepper
     DD:  Puckett's HT Jelly 3*M
For Sale  
Milking yearling, fresh 5-22-14. Morning Star is smaller than most of my stock. She is close on her hocks, but otherwise very correct. She has a well shaped and attached udder and milks easily.
Price $350.
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