Puckett's C Lady Belle
BirthDate: 4/20/2014
Gender: Doe
S:  Puckett''s CJ Capernicus
     SS:  Puckett's Curly Joe
     SD:  GCH Puckett's B Cavella 2*M
D:  Puckett's LB Bonita Pepper 7*M
     DS:  Dreamy-Hollow CSN Light Bender
     DD:  SG Puckett's R Banana Pepper 6*M

Young stock LA 1.0 VVV V

1-01 229 778 4.8% fat 3.2% protein

Freshened 5-31-15 with a single doe kid. Sheis a very good mother. Belle is thin now but very correct confirmation.
I would like to sell these two as a pair. $500 for the pair.
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