Puckett's V Jacinda
BirthDate: 5/1/2013
Gender: Doe
S:  Puckett's RR Virgle *B
     SS:  Puckett's RM Radical Risk
     SD:  SG Puckett''s FR Violet 2*M
D:  GCH Puckett's TT Sister Jessieta 1*M
     DS:  *B Puckett's Top Twix
     DD:  Puckett's Top Jessie
1-00 336 2545 94 85 3.7% fat 3.3% protein
1-11 315 2235 79 67 3.8% fat 3.2% protein
2-11 322 1693 4.0% fat 3.2% protein
3-11 217 2084 3.3% fat 2.9% protein, four tests of over 10# of milk this year.Sept test 12.2#

Jacinda is a large sundgau doe. Jacinda foundered during her 2nd lactation and has been crippled since. Her picture can be seen when you click on Surprise.
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