twlight's '21 buckling
BirthDate: 5/12/2021
Gender: Buck
S:  B B Goats MBM Abernathy *B
     SS:  Montage Beaujolais Monseiur *B
     SD:  GCH Puckett's TT Sister Jessieta 1*M
D:  Puckett's PBF Twlight Star 5M
     DS:  Puckett's Pretty Boy Floyd +*B
     DD:  Puckett's MNP Jet Star 4*M
For Sale  

Triplets 2 bucks and a doe, doe retained.
Bucks are disbudded. Guaranteed to work by 6 months of age. These bottle raised boys will make excellent breeding bucks. They come from my favorite doe.
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