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Puckett's CC Midnight Star |
BirthDate: |
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LA age 3-5 VVVV FS 87
LA age 4-4 V+VE FS 88
1-02 294 1171 49 37 4.2% fat 3.2% protein
2-01 305 1100 36 31 3.2% fat 2.8% protein
2-01 606 2103 70 62 3.3% fat 2.9% protein
4-00 127 0595 13 11 3.4% fat 3.0% protein
Midnight required a C-section for a dead kid when a yearling. Has freshened twice since then with no problems. One kid was 8# 10 oz. Star is much shorter than most of our animals. She does not make minimum Alpine height standards. Her grown daughter however does make the required height.
. Midnight would make a great family or local 4-H goat. She loves people.
Did not freshen in '16 but milked through.
In '17 produced a beautiful cou clair doeling.
Note her Very good LA score with an excellent udder. Easy to hand milk.