Puckett's N Dancer Man III
BirthDate: 5/6/2006
Gender: Buck
S:  Puckett's N Neosho
     SS:  Konza-Kids SC Ninnescha *B
     SD:  Puckett's Rising Star
D:  GCH Puckett's Cloud Dancer 1*M
     DS:  Waiilatpu Cowboy's Cavell
     DD:  Puckett's Tanya's Patches
For Sale  
Clean cut correct yearling buck.
This boys 1/2 sisters are Moonbeam, Cavella, Joy,and Rainbow. Tinkerbell is a 3/4 sister and Black Cloud is his twin. Take a look at these does in his family. He is a good one, just related to many of my does, so almost out of a job here.

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