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GCH Puckett's Cloud Dancer 1*M |
BirthDate: |
Gender: |
LA FS 87(+EEE)
1-02 305 1555 58 48 ext 325 1643 62 51
2-02 250 1526 50 45
3-00 278 2374 78 65
4-00 293 2823 101 78
4-11 282 2807 87 80
5-10 305 2010 60 59 ext 396 2346 73 69
7-04 248 1172 34 29
8-00 245 917 23 24
9-00 283 1244 37 30
9-11 295 870 23 21 in progress
Cloud Dancer has shown very well for us over the years. Her daughters are some of our favorite does with wonderful udders and body type.
At 6 years of age her udder is still well attached and nicely shaped.
You will find Cloud Dancer in many of the pedagrees of our stock as she has played a major role in our breeding program.
2002 NFHDGC Holton GCh Alpine
2002 Kaw Valley Classic Ch Alpine
2003 Tonganoxie Ch Alpine X2
2003 Coffeyville open show RCh Alpine
2003 Coffeyville youth show Ch
2003 Coffeyville youth show BDIS