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GCH Puckett's FR Rainbow |
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Rainbow passsed away 12-13-07 of complications of a twisted bowel.
age 1-4 LA VVVE 88
age 2-4 LA VVVE 89
1-2 305 1923 48 55 ext 320 1979 49 58 ME 2949
2-2 330 2388 85 69
Very stylish Jr. Doe.
In '05 Rainbow freshemed with a beautiful Sundgau buck. In '06 it was a doe kid.
In 'o7 twins one each.
Rainbow also has a beautiful productive udder
Rainbow completed her GCH as a 2 year old.
2004 Purina Mills Clasic Tonganoxie Gr. Ch Junior
2004 Nebraska State Fair Gr. Ch. Junior
2005 4X 1st place milking yearling